
Psych #

Delerium #

  • EtOH usually visusal, small “creepy crawlies” vs normal which is usually “larger” things

Dementia #

Alzheimer: short term memory loss, apraxia, no motor signs, late hallucinations/delusions Vascular dementia: “step wise” decline, h/o or risk factor for TIA/stroke Lewy body: psychosis early, Parkinson’s features, falls

Agitation and Behavioral Distrubances #

  • Abilify (aripiprazole)
    • Start 5-10mg daily
    • Don’t use more than 15mg qday
  • Risperdal (risperidone)
    • Start low (1-2mg)
    • Usual dose 4-6mg
  • Depakote (valproic acid)
    • Can be added to either of the above
    • Start at 500mg XR
    • Check level and titrate up to about 50-110 after 4-5 days


  1. Abilify
  2. Abilify + Depakote
  3. Risperdal
  4. Risperdal + Depakote

Treatment #

  • Cholinesterase inhibitors
    • Donepezil, Rivastigmine, Galantamine
    • AEs: Bradycardia, weight loss, GI intolerance, increased secretion (avoid with GI issues, COPD/asthma)
  • Memantine

PHQ-9 Screener #

SIG E CAPS >5 = positive
Psychomotor (restless/lethargic)

Scoring #

0-4: None
5-9: Mild (positive)
10-14: Moderate
15-19: Moderate Severe
20+: Severe

GAD-7 Screener #

Scores 10 and above with roughly 75-85% sensitvity and specificity for one of GAD, panic disorder, or social anxiety disorder.

Scoring #

  • &lte;4: Minimal
  • 5-9: Mild
  • 10-14: Moderate
  • &gte;15: Severe

Bipolar Screen #

Ask “Ever felt so happy/energetic that friends said you were talking to fast or too hyper?”

If yes => DIG FAST
Indescretion (excessive involvement in pleasurable activities)
Flight of ideas
Activity incrase
Sleep deficit
Talkativeness (pressured speech)

Borderline Screener (PD criteria) #

Identity problems
Disordered affect
Empty feeling
Suicidal behavior
Abandonment terror
Relationship Instability

>2 → positive

MiniCog Exam #

76% sensitive, 89% specific

  1. Remember 3 items
  2. Draw clock at 10 past 11
  3. Recall 3 items

If 0/3 on recall => Dementia
If 3/3 on recall => No dementia
Else if clock ok => No dementia

Anxiety Treatments #

  • Atarax (Hydroxyzine): 50-100mg 4x daily (QiD)
  • Gabapentin: 300mg TID prn
  • Risperidone 1-2mg (start at 0.5mg) daily
    • Can cause gynecomastia, let patients know and if see any changes dc med (reverts)
  • Seroquel
    • 1/2 tab (12.5mg) prn for anxiety
    • full tab (25mg) at bedtime

Alcohol Abuse Screener (CAGE) >2 = positive #

Cut down


Start with (if starting from scratch in generic patient):

  1. Sertaline (Zoloft)
    • Least side effects
  2. Escalitopram (Lexapro)
  3. Fluoxetine (Prozac)


If eating too much as part of depression/anxiety, SNRIs are good choice. NE part “shuts down” GI system a bit (fight/flight).
Serotonin/NE ratio -> more NE, the more “uplifitng” the med—in theory…

Med Trade Name Serotonin/NE ratio
Venlafaxine Effexor 30/1
Desvenlafaxine Pristiq 10/1
Duloxetine Cymbalta 10/1
Levomilnacipran Fetzima 1/2

[Paper with annotations](/literature/Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors- A Pharmacological Comparison.pdf) and link to original.

Worksheets and Tools #

TherapistAid Psychology Tools

Pearls #