
Misc #

Allergies #

  • loratadine ≈ cetirizine < fexofenadine, very roughly
  • loratadine (Claritin)
    • 5mg BID or
    • 10mg qday
  • cetirizine (Zyrtec)
    • 5-10mg qday
  • fexofenadine (Allegra)
    • 60mg q12 or
    • 180mg qday
  • fluticasone nasal (Flonase)
    • 1-2 sprays qday (110mcg/day)
  • Naphcon-A/Opcon-A/(Visine-A?) eye drops
    • naphozoline (vasoconstrictor) and pheniramine (antihistamine)
    • 1-2 drops QID
  • Max therapy:
    • fexofenadine +
    • fluticasone +
    • Naphcon-A

Unintentional Weight Loss (>5% over 6-12 months) #

  • Workup
    • Pattern
    • B-symtpoms
    • Meds
    • Function/social (i.e. intake)
    • Labs:
      • CBC
      • CMP
      • UA
      • TSH
      • Hemeoccult
      • ESR, CRP
      • HIV, HepC,
      • TB/Quant Gold
      • CXR
      • Age-appropriate cancer screening
  • If screen negative → watchful waiting over 1-6 months
  • If screen positive → additional testing based on abnormalities noted

Obesity Medical Management #

  • Semaglutide (Ozempic) (GLP1-RA)
    • Ramp up to max tolerated dose
    • Roughly 14-18% weight loss at 68 weeks (with diet/exercise)
    • Side effects
      • N/V/D → usually get better with time
      • Hypoglycemia (rare without other antihyperglycemics)
  • Phentermine-topiramate
    • ~10% weight loss at 52 weeks
    • Side effects
      • Dry mouth
      • Constipation
      • Paresthesias
    • Contraindications
      • Pregnancy (topiramate teratogenic)
  • Oristat
    • Inhibits pancreatic lipases → less fat digestion/absorption → poop more fat out
      • Watch fat-soluable vitamins (obvious reasons), Vitamin D most often affected
        • Caution with warfarin as less Vitamin K, so usually need less warfarin dose
    • Roughly 4-6% weight loss at 52 weeks

No data on combinations of the above, Semaglutide most effective.

High Altitude #

  • In general, above 9,800ft (3,000m), ascend no more than 1,000 to 2,000ft per day

Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) #

  • Diagnosis (2018 Lake Louise Criteria)
    • >5 yo
      • HA plus one or more of
        • fatigue/weakness
        • dizziness/lightheadedness
        • GI sx (N/V, anorexia)
    • Non-verbal kiddos
      • Fussiness plus one or more of
        • eating disturbance
        • reduced playfulness
        • sleep disturbances (naps or nightime)
    • Usually develops 6-12hrs after arrival at altitude
  • Tx
    • Acetazolamide 250mg BID or
    • Dexamethasone 4mg q6h
  • Prevention
    • slow ascent
    • Acetazolamide 125mg BID, started at least 1 day before ascent
    • Dexamethasone 4mg q6-12hrs

High Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE) #

  • Diagnosis
    • if sx of AMS
      • Either mental status change or ataxia
    • if no sx of AMS
      • Both mental status changes and ataxia
  • Treatment
    • Immediate decent
    • Dexamethasone 8mg load, then 4mg q6h
  • Prevention
    • Dexamethasone 4mg q6h

High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE) #

  • Diagnosis
    • Two or more of the following
      • dyspnea at rest
      • cough
      • weakness/decreased exercise capacity
      • chest tightness/congestion
    • plus at least two of
      • rales/wheezing on exam
      • tachypnea
      • tachycardia
      • central cyanosis
  • Treatment
    • Immediate decent
    • Nifedipine (Procardia) 20mg q8h or 30mg q12hrs
  • Prevention
    • Nifedipine (Procardia) 20mg q8-12hrs

Sleep #

Chronic Insomnia #

Ambien/Lunesta not approved for long term use. Best for short term help, see below.

Best non-pharmacologic/suppliment options #

  • Mg glycinate, 400-800mg
    • Can use short term or chronically
    • Can cause diarrhea
    • Use citrate if you need constipation relief
  • Valarian Root and/or California Poppy
    • From Whole Foods/Vitamin Cottage
    • Fast acting, doesn’t really require “build up” phase
  • Yoga
    • Nidra style best for sleep
    • Good when brain can’t relax

Pharmacologic options #

  • 1st tier
    • Melatonin 3mg
      • Can be habit forming
      • 10mg melatonin max per day
      • Better results with 3mg per day (??? Paper)
    • Benadryl or hydroxazine
      • Non-habit forming
      • OTC
      • Some pts can have paradoxical effect (revved up instead of sedating)
  • 2nd tier
    • Trazodone 50-100mg qhs
      • serotonin modulator
      • Must use regularly for best resuilts
    • TCAs, amitriptyline 10-75mg
      • Must use regularly, takes a couple weeks to build up to optimal effect
  • 3rd tier
    • Seroquel (quetiapine) 25-50mg (<100mg)
      • Anti-psychotic doses in the 100’s of mg
      • Great adjunct for people on SSRIs for anxiety
      • Also great adjunt with pts that have a bend toward paranoia
  • Misc
    • Tomazepam
      • Only benzo approved for sleep
      • Clonazepam/valium (longer acting benzos) could be used too

Short-term/Intermittent Insomnia #

Great for things like jet-lag for overseas trips, acute external mood things (death of loved one, short term college exam stress)

  • Ambien 5-10mg for M, 2.5-5mg for F
    • 1/2 dose ambien for females (can build up in their bodies)
  • Lunesta

Vitamins #

Vitamin D #

Deficiency treatment by level

Level (ng/mL) Treatment Notes
<12 50k IU qweek, then 800-1000 IU qday Check Ca and DXA
12-20 800-1000 IU qday Recheck in 3 months, raise daily dose if not at goal
20-30 600-800 IU qday Recheck in 3 months, raise daily dose if not at goal
  • 100IU should raise Vit D levels 0.7-1.0ng/mL with normal absorption
  • If absorption is messed up, all bets are off. Titrate as able.
  • High doses (>50k) increase falls and fractures in elderly

Sedation #

  • Atomadate => adrenal suppression
  • Ketamine => amesia (good thing)

Accupuncture Exam #

  • Three finger pulse check
    • Fingers together if pt is shorter than doc, apart slightly if taller
    • Face pt, R check pts left, L checks pts R
    • Feel for quality of pulses
  • Tongue
    • Color
    • Scalloping
    • Lesions, coatings, etc.

Decisional Capacity #

  • Ability to state choice
  • Understands risks/benefits
  • Manipulate info in rational manner
  • Can appreciate consequences of choices
  • Consistent demonstration of decisional capacity (optional but important)

Semantics #

  • “Euboxia” => treating to make the numbers look good and/or get rid of the nasty little red arrows in the boxes (and not actually fix anything important in the patient)
  • “Field of Turds” => Having to tip-toe through conversation so as not to step into issues that aren’t related to the current hospital stay/visit
  • “The less there is to do, the more there is to talk…”

Radiology #

  • MRI
    • Order w/ and w/o if looking for infection/malignancy
    • Order w/o for MSK, bone, or MRCP

Radiation Exposure with Imaging #

ACR Appropriatness Criteria

Sterilization/Skin Prep #

Iodine => use concentric circles Chlorheidine => just scrub and wipe

Vocera #

  • Dial into system: 85555
  • Commands:
    • Call by name
    • Call by role ("ED room XXXX RN")
    • Dial extension XXXXX

Pearls #

  • The appendix is on the left more frequently in Asians (still rare though)
  • Most common cause of hypothermia in hospital => hypoglycemia