Infectious Diseases (ID) #

Sepsis #

First thing to go: lactate, Cr
First thing to get better: lactate


  1. Blood Cx (+ sputum, etc.)
  2. Lactate (± procal)
  3. Bolus 30mL/kg
  4. Antiboitics
  5. Recheck lactate

CAP (Community Acquired Pneumonia) #

Treat for 5 days, 7 if HAP/VAP

Antibiotics #

Denver Health Antibiogram
Children’s Hospital Bug Watch

Coverage #

Antibiotics Chart 1 Antibiotics Chart ICU Antibiotics Chart 2

Classes #

Antibiotics Classes Overview


  • Cellulitis is usually strep
    • Unless purulent, then more likely MRSA
  • MRSA PNA is very unlikely
Vanc Bactrim
Dapto Clindamycin
Ceftaroline Doxycycline
Linezolid Linezolid

Pseudomonas #


  • Zosyn (pip-tazo)
  • Imapenum (ertapenum does not cover pseudo)
  • Cipro
  • Cefepime


  • Cipro/Levo

Bugs #

Stenotrophomonas maltophilia #

  • Cousin of pseudomonas
  • Nasty
  • Only suceptable to bactrim

Influenza #

Martality rate generally 0.1%

  • Xofluza (baloxavir), 40mg for 40-80kg, 80mg for >=80kg, single dose
    • 48 hours to significantly reduced viral shedding ([Paper](’/literature/xofluza info on flu treatment.pdf’))
    • Different mechanism than tamiflu
  • Tamiflu
    • approx 2 day reduction in duration
    • 4 days of viral shedding afterwards

COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 (novel coronavirus) #

Novel virus out of Wuhan China (early paper). Mortality rate initailly between 1.4% (published from Guan cohort) and 2%. Likely undercounts asymptomatic patients, so could be considerably lower. No case reports in kids <15yo. Severe disease more likely in older patients.

Signs/Symptoms #

  • Cough (≈86%)

  • Fever (≈48%)

  • Dyspnea (after 6 days)

  • Respiratory distress (after 10 days)

  • Body aches?

  • Low WBCs (aroudn 1k)

  • CRP >10mg/L

  • Ground glass opacities bilaterally on chest CT

Transmission #

  • Large droplet, only to about 6 feet
    • Plain surgical masks can protect from this
  • Wash hands!
    • Stop touching your fave (surgical masks also probably help with this)
  • N95’s probably not necessary (used to protect against airborne transmission)

Treatment #

  • Supportive
  • Remdesivir?

Legionella #

  • Gram negative
  • Found in contaminated water/soil
    • Common on cruise ships, grocery store sprayers
  • Presents with: ↑Temp, ↓HR, N/V/D, hypoNa (affects JGA → ↓ aldosterone)

Dengue Fever #

  • Classic: “pain behind eyes”
  • HA, +F, +myalgias

Chikungunya #

  • Fever + arthralgas, HA, fever, rash

Fusobacerium Necrophorum (anaerobe) #

  • Can be a nasty pathogen (pretty virulent for an anaerobe)
  • Causes septic thrombophlebitis
    • Lemiere’s Syndrome (septic thrombophlebitis of the jugular vein)

Fever #

  • Fever of Unknown Origin
    • Must be: >38.3, >3 weeks, >1 week inpatient
    • hard to call, semantics
  • Fever w/o localizing signs
  • Fever w/ localizing signs

Special populations:

  • Peds
    • almost always viral
    • 88% resolve
  • Neutropenic
    • First bacteria
    • Fungal (>7 days)
  • AIDS/Immunosuppressed
    • Mycobacerium
      • Usually MAC


  • Infection: 16%
  • Rheum: 22%
  • Malignancy: 7%
  • Unknown: 51%

Initial Workup #

  • History & Physical
    • Ask about travel within last year
      • TB, typhoid, ameoba
  • CBC w/ diff
  • Blood cx
  • CMP
    • +/- hepatitis workup
  • UA
  • CXR

Subsequent Workup #

  • Sed rate/CRP
  • LDH
  • TB
  • HIV
  • RF
  • CK
  • heterophile Ab (mono)
  • ANA
  • SPEP
  • CT C/A/P
  • LP (if neuro/AMS s/sx)
  • ?Malaria
    • Thick and thin smear
  • Biopsy anything you can

Notable Drug-Drug Interactions #

  • Warfarin + Bactrim
  • SSRI/TCA + Linezolid
  • Fluoroquinolone + cations (Ca+, etc.)

Pearls #

  • Levoquin side effect => neuropathy
  • Fluoroquinalones can be a cause of AMS
  • Less renal toxicity with Vanc/cefepine than with Vanc/Zosyn (3-5x risk)
  • Urinalysis sensitivities
  • Do not treat asymptomatic UTIs!
  • Highly bioavailable abx (>90%):
    • doxy, levofloxicin, flagyl, linezolid, clinda, azithromycin
  • Azithromycin monotherapy not good for almost anything
  • Daptomycin doesn’t work in the lungs (gets inactivated)