
Optho #

Optho vitals #

  • Vision
  • Pupils
  • Pressure

Optho Red Flags (needs urgent optho consult) #

  • Trauma, recent surgery
    • Infection risk
    • Globe rupture
  • Retinal detachmemt
    • “Curtain sign”
    • Floaters => too many to count
  • Infection of globe
    • Orbital signs
      • Limited EOM or pain
      • Decreased vision
      • Afferent pupillary deficit
      • Fevers/chills
  • Acute-angle glaucoma
    • Fixed, mid dilation pupils
    • Light sensitive
    • Painful
    • Can be caused by meds
      • Classically antihistamines

Slit Lamp #

  • Blood vessels in/on the cornea are abnormal
  • To see cells in anterior chamber
    • Small box of light
    • Bright light
    • High mag
    • High angle (move light off to either side)
  • Evert lids and examine
  • Fluorescein
    • Use a small amount
      • shake off drop of x-caine before putting in eyes

Common Diagnoses #

  • Dry eyes
    • Most common cause of blurry vision
    • If blurry vision comes and goes, likely dry eyes
    • Treatment
      • Artificial tears QID
      • Systane or Refresh or Genteal (all have cellulose)
        • NOT Visine (has polyvinyl EtOH), can be more irritating
      • If need more frequently than QID, switch to preservative free
      • Next step is ointment at night
    • Fluorescein
      • Small punctate dots
      • Dry Eyes
  • Allergic conjunctivitis
    • Treatment
      • Pataday (olopatadine) => antihistamine
        • 0.2%: 1 drop qday
      • Zatador (ketotifen) => antihistamine, mast cell stabilizer
        • one drop each eye BID
    • Follicular vs Papular conjunctivitis
    • Either viral or allergic
    • Allergic Conjunctivitis
  • Corneal abraision
    • Corneal abraision
    • Treatment
      • Time to heal
  • Pinguecula
    • Pinguecula
    • Super common
    • Starts in the limbus, stays in the limbus
    • Treatment
      • Usually none needed
      • Artificial tears
  • Pterygium
    • Pterygium
    • Starts in the limbus and grows over the cornea
    • Only a problem if covers cornea and affects vision
    • Treatment
      • Artificial tears
      • Surgery if affects vision
  • Trichiaisis (eyelashes pointing into the eye)
    • Trichiaisis
  • HSV keratitis
    • Acute onset of (variably)
      • pain
      • blurred vision
      • photophobia
      • watering
      • red eye
    • Branched staining
    • HSV branched staining
    • Treatment
      • Good one to refer, can cause ulcers
      • Oral
        • acyclovir 400 mg 5x/day or
        • valacyclovir 500 mg TID
      • Opthalmic
        • acyclovir 3% ointment 5x/day

Resources #

Pearls #

  • Pictures important to help make diagnosis (take pics in clinic/hospital), history less helpful
  • Near vision is more forgiving, if that goes, start to worry (Optho doesn’t care about far vision)
  • Always check optho pressure while holding eyes open against bone (if go against eye can elevated it falsely)
  • Normal to have blurry vision for a few minutes after doing a warm/hot compress on the eyes