
Ob/Gyn #

OCPs 101 #

NO changes for 3 months Takes body a little bit to get used to everything => can start chasing your tail if making too many changes too quick

  • Start at 20mcg estrogen
    • If PMS-like symptoms => ↓ estrogen
    • If spotting => ↑ estrogen
    • Usually start w/ levonorgestrel
      • If acne/bloating => switch progesterone from levo to norethindrone
  • If you decrease estrogen, generally decrease progesterone too
  • If pt “too moody” => try nuvaring
  • Depoprovera gotchas
    • Long return to fertility
    • Weight gain
  • If pt with pre-existing acne => Yaz (drospirenone + estrogen)
  • Mirena
    • Not fun being placed, but tolerable
    • More progesterone
      • More chance amenorrhea
      • More chance of acne
      • More moodiness
  • Kyleena
    • Less progesterone
      • Less moodiness
      • Less acne
      • Less chance of no period
  • Cheap OCPs
    • Lutera (20) ← default to this, sliightly lower estrogen
    • Sprintec (35)

Ovarian Cysts #

  • Simple cyst is physiologic
  • Repeat US in 6 weeks to confirm it’s simple
  • Treatment
    • OCPs
    • If on OCPs
      • Journal symptoms
      • APAP/ibuprofen/naproxen before the day to control

Trimesters #

  • 1st: 0-14wks
  • 2nd: 14-26wks
  • 3rd: 27-40wks

OB Visits #

Gest. Age (wks) Exam Labs Other
8 US, preg confirmation Genetic questionaire, famhx, med problems
12 Full exam, breast, pelvic CBC, TSH, HIV, RPR, GC/CT, HepB sAb, Rub, cell free DNA, Nuchal transulcency (if doing sequential), Urine cx PAP if not UTD
16 FHT, fundal height AFP (Cell free DNA) or Quad
20 FHT, fundal height Anatomy Scan
24 FHT, fundal height Glucola instructions
28 FHT, fundal height Rhogam, 1 hr Glucola test, antibody screen, CBC, 1hr gluc tolerance test
32 FHT, fundal height Tdap
34 FHT, fundal height
36 FHT, fundal height GBS
37 Cervical exam, FHT
38 Cervical exam, FHT
39 Cervical exam, FHT
40 Cervical exam, FHT
41 Cervical exam NST, AFI Schedule induction


  • Sum of deepest pocket of amniotic fluid in each of four quadrants (Radiopedia)
  • Must keep probe perpendicular to floor (i.e. straight up and down)
  • Normal 5-25cm
  • <5cm OR single deepest pocket less than 2cm = oligo

Thyroid #

Titrate to TSH of 2.5 or below for pregnant or trying to get pregnant patients.

Anemia in pregnancy #

  • Definition: <5%-ile
    • 1st tri 11g/dL or 33%
    • 2nd tri 10.5 or 32%
    • 3rd tri 11 or 33%
  • Plasma volume ↑ 40-50%, erythrocytes only ↑ 15-25%
  • Prevalance ≈2%
    • Black women: ≈3.5%
    • White women: ≈1.8%
    • Per trimester
      1. 6.9%
      2. 14.3%
      3. 29.5%
  • Increases risk of:
    • Low birth weight
    • preterm delivery
    • perinatal mortality
    • PPD?

Mechanism #

  • Production ↓
    • Lack of materials
      • iron
      • B12
      • Folate
    • Broken machienery
      • bone marrow issues/supression
        • hypothyroidism
      • renal dysfunction (EPO)
  • Destruction ↑
    • Inheritied
      • sickles, thalassemias, hereditary spherocytosis
    • Acquired
      • Autoimmune
      • TTP
      • HUS
      • Malaria
  • Broken cells
    • Thalessemias
    • Hemolytic anemias
  • Loss

Screening #

  • CBC at intake and at 24-28 weeks

Iron supplimentaiton #

  • need 27mg Fe per day
  • Start all women on low dose (CDC+, ACOG+, USPSTF +/-)
  • Consider IV iron if severe or if can’t tolerate oral iron
  • transfuse
    • Hgb <6g/dL => affects baby
  • Consider cell salvage
    • Jehovah’s witness

Labor #

Real labor contractions happen every five mins, lasting one minute

Labor = cervical change + contractions

Anticipated amount of time for active labor:

  • G0 w/ epidural 4hrs
  • G0 w/o epidural 3hrs
  • G1+ w/ epidural 2hrs
  • G1+ w/o epidural 1hr

Progression #

Preventing First Cesarian


Pain Control #

Four options:

  • Au Natural
  • Nitrous oxide
    • Relaxes you, but doesn’t really treat pain
  • IV fentanyl
    • Doesn’t take away all the pain, but works and goes fast
    • Great for CRB placement
    • Can’t give close to delivery as makes sleepy babies
  • Epidural
    • Can’t walk
    • Slows second stage of labor by approx. 30 mins (not a huge deal)

Morphine sleep #

  • morphine
  • phenergan
  • recheck in 8 hours, can go home after that

Strips #


Signal Event
Variable Cord compression
Early Head compression
Accels Ok!
Lates Prolapse (cord)

Examples and practice

FHT in Labor

Inductions #

  • Cytotec plus foley
  • Pitosin then AROM

Labor Inductions

Failure #

  • No change in 4hrs with adequate contractions
  • No change in 6hrs regardless of contractions

Cervical Change #

  • Cytotec
    • PO or vaginal q4hrs
  • Cervadil
    • vaginal q12hrs
  • Foley
    • 50cc; dilates to 3-4cm
  • Cook cath
    • 50cc; dilates to 5cm
  • Walking (natural)
    • gravity
  • Nipple stim (natural)
    • Stim one nipple for a 30 sec contraction
    • Switch nipples
  • Sex (natural)
    • oxytocin from orgasm
  • Strip membranes
    • thought to release endogenous prostaglandins

Check Bishop score

Contractions #

  • AROM
    • Best in multips who want to go “natural”
  • Pitocin (oxytocin)
    • Start at 2
    • Increase by 2 every 30 mins

Post Partum Hemorrhage (PPH) #

>1000mL within 24hrs of delivery (either vaginal or c/s)

Treatment #

  1. Pitocin
    • Can give two bags
  2. Misoprostol (Cytotec) 800-1000mcg rectally
    • Can give 200mg PO
    • Slow onset
    • Can cause N/V, mild fever
  3. Methergine 0.2mg IM q2-4hrs
    • Fast acting
    • Contraindicated in patients with hypertension (relative)
    • 6 dose max
      • Some use the 2-4-6 rule
        • 0.2 every 4 hrs for 6 doses
  4. Hemabate 0.25mg q15-90 minutes
    • Contraindicated in patients with asthma
    • 8 dose max
    • Causes wicked diarrhea
    • Give with lomotil or nurses will hate you
  5. TXA 1-2g per 500mL-1L bag
    • Can repeat 1x
    • Only helps with clotting, not a uterotonic

Hypertensive Diseases of Pregnancy Spectrum #

Condition Dx Tx Delivery
cHTN >140/90(a), <20wks None, baseline PIH(b) labs prenatally No meds: 38w0d - 39w6dMeds controlled: 37w0d-39w6dMeds uncontrolled: 36w0d-37w6d
gHTN >140/90(a), >20wks, wnl p/c 37w0d
PreE w/o SF >140/90(a), >20wks, p/c &gte; 0.3 37w0d, PP enoxaparin?
PreE w/ SF >160/110 for q15min repeats or two >4 hrs apart Mild range + lab abnormalities(c)Mild range + intractable HA or vision changes (spots, floaters, not usually blurry)Pulm edema (CXR) Mag
HELLP Hemolysis (LDH >600)LFTs 2x upper limitLow platelets (<100k)(must have all of the above) Mag Immediate delivery

a. Either, 4 hours apart
b. PIH labs: CBC (plts), CMP (Scr and LFTs), P/C, UA, LDH
c. One of: plts <100k, LDH >600, Scr > 1.1 or 2x baseline, LFTs 2x upper range of normal

Pre-eclampsia (PreE) #

Treatment #

Magnesium (Mg)

  1. Bolus 4-6g
    • Can give 5g IM x2 (both cheeks)
  2. Infusion 2g/hr
  • Reflexes disappear as becomes therapeutic (pts are hyperreflexic when in PreE)
  • UOP needs to be 0.5mL/kg/hr
    • Mg renally excreted
  • Reversal agent: Ca gluconate
    • Only really used if cardiac toxicity
  • Toxicity:
    • >15 respiratory paralysis
    • >25 cardiac abnormalities

Miscarriage #


  • No cardiac activity after US with cardiac activity

Management #

  • Expectant
  • Misoprostol
    • Only up to estimated 9w0d GA
      • Higher risk of bleed and not completing past this GA
    • 800mcg vaginally at bedtime
      • Can take roughly 6 hours to start working
    • 800mg ibuprofen at same time to help with cramping/pain
    • Repeat x1 in 24 hours
  • D&C
    • Indicated if past 9w0d

Quick Ob Triage #


  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Loss of fluid
  • Contractions
  • Complications of pregnancy
  • Fetal movement
  • Vitals
  • FHTs/strip interpretation
  • Rh +/- status
  • GBS status

Labor Check #

  • <34 Weeks
    • Put baby on monitor
      • If not contracting → discharge
    • Check cervix
      • if <5 and contracting → hold, recheck in few hours
      • if >5 and contracting → admit
  • >34 Weeks
    • SSE collect FFN, KOH/wet mount (FFN no good if has had sex in last 24hrs)
    • Transvaginal US for cervical length
      • If >2.5cm → stable
      • If 1.5-2.5cm → send FFN
      • If <1.5 → corticosteroids/tocolytics
    • Cervical exam
      • If <2cm → stable
      • If >2cm → corticosteroids/tocolytics


  • >34 Weeks
    • Speculum exam (pooling, nitrazine, ferning/Amnisure)
      • If positive, admit and check cervix
      • If negative, check AFI
  • <34 Weeks
    • Speculum exam
      • Pooling, nitrazine, ferning/Amnisure
      • KOH/wet mount
      • Urine dip
    • TVUS → cervical length
    • If +ROM
      • Admit
      • Give latency abx
      • GBS culture
      • Mg if <32 weeks
      • +/- MFM consult
    • If neg ROM
      • Check AFI

Gestational HTN/Preeclampsia (Pre-E) #

Pre-E = HTN + proteinuria after 20 weeks

  • Monitor BPs
  • Check sx
    • Persistent HA (does not respond to acetominophen)
    • Visual changes (scotoma; floaters)
    • Epigastric pain
    • DTRs
  • Labs
    • CBC (look for plts <100k)
    • CMP (LFTs 2x normal, creatine > 1.1, Uric acid increased)
    • UA (protein)
    • Urine protein/creatine ratio (>0.3mg)

2nd/3rd Trimester Bleeding #

  • Speculum exam
  • CBC
  • Coags
  • Blood type (thinking Rhogam)
  • Transabdominal US
    • Placentation
    • Signs of abruption

Trauma #

  • Monitor for 4hrs
  • Labs
    • CBC
    • Coags
    • Type and screen (Rhogam)
    • Transabdominal US
      • Placentation
      • Signs of abruption
  • Consider Rhogam if abruption suspected
  • Normal ACLS/Intubation
    • Place pillow under R hip to help displace gravid uterus from decending aorta

Decreased Fetal Movement #

  • NST
  • AFI

Breastfeeding #

  • Milk generally comes in between days 3-5
  • Ok to have tender nipples for the first week, never ok after that

General info/fun facts:

  • “Baby friendly” is a global designation steming from the WHO and UNICEF
  • #1 cause of infant death worldwide is diarrheal illness from unclear water (i.e. used to mix formula)
  • “Babies are like a drunk at a bar–they don’t care if it’s a bottle or a nipple…” -Carolyn (Lactation)

What to look for:

  • Latch score <7 needs work
  • Amount of time doesn’t matter
  • Try to finish one side before switching → more fat at end

Breast infection with Serratia creates flourescent pink milk

To abruptly stop milk production:

  • Cabbage leave
  • Break veins
  • Put in bra
  • Replace when wilted

Engorgement #

  • Actually an imflammatory process (not excess milk/too much volume)
  • generally lasts 24-36hrs
  • Ice, NSAIDs/anti-inflammatories


  • Doesn’t “favor”/push formula
  • Will provide breast pumps and parts
  • Will do both breast and formula but needs indication

Drug safety databases:

  • LactMed (More libral)
  • InfantRisk (more conservative but favored by lactation)
  • Hale’s Medications and Mother’s Milk (book)

Pearls #

  • Left hydronephrosis normal in pregnancy
  • Normal physiologic changes in pregnancy: ↑ V_t, ↑ HR, ↓ BP
  • Uterine inversion can cause a vaso-vagal response: ↓ HR, ↓ BP
  • Limit caffiene to <200mg caffiene/day while pregnant (per ACOG, although so evidence that up to 400mg ok)
  • Do a good vulvar/shallow vaginal exam on labor admits if have hx of HSV
  • Breakthrough bleeding
    • progesterone 200mg qday until stopped (Agestin is more expensive)
    • OCP taper (for younger): 2 pills x 3 days then finish pack